Designed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 1970s, the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme is designed to support participants in recognising their own physical and emotional suffering and develop greater compassion towards themselves and others. The course is rooted in the principles of moment-to-moment awareness and the relationship between mind and body.
Over the course of eight weeks, you will learn three core meditations: the body scan, seated breathing meditation and mindful movement where we work with simple yoga poses and stretches. Each one of these practices is designed to develop the skills of non-judgemental awareness and acceptance. The classes themselves are a blend of meditation and mindful discussion with key teaching points delivered each week.
MBSR has been developed world-wide and is one of the most celebrated programmes for developing mindfulness in a modern-day setting. It has been shown to help reduce stress, physical pain, insomnia, anxiety and low mood amongst other daily difficulties.
Begin your day by nourishing your body and soul with our Mindful Breakfast.
Food – or rather the eating of food – can be a great teacher of mindfulness. During the
Mindful Breakfast we will serve a beautiful breakfast buffet, whilst also teaching you some of the fundamental principles of mindfulness; through the practice of mindful eating combined with guided meditation practices.
The intention of our Mindful Breakfast is to create a space where all our participants share a delicious, fun and mindfully enriched start to the day.
Can wine and mindfulness really go together? Well, yes! Our Winefulness session invites you and your friends to experience a wine tasting rooted in the foundations of mindful awareness.
We guide you through a wine tasting anchored in the present moment. Together we will learn meditations and exercises that encourage us to connect to our senses and enable a truly mindful way of experiencing wine.​ This is a lighthearted and fun introduction for anyone wanting to learn the basic fundamentals of Mindfulness – whilst also enjoying some wine.